Collaborations & Merchandising

Occasionally, MADEINART collaborates and partners with artists and brands to create exclusive pieces in honor of the project presented. The agency partnered with names such as Nathalie du Pasquier, Ports1961 and many others.  [..]

The Exhibition

David LaChapelle, the great American artist and photographer, comes back, after more than fifteen year, at Palazzo delle Esposizioni with one of the most important and exhaustive retrospective. There will be more than 100 works on view, some presented for first time in a museum including many large-scale works. Rome has been a milestone in the artistic life of David LaChapelle. In 2006, during a journey in Italy, the artist has the chance of a private [..] Read More

Tokyo show

tokyo exhibition The japanese’s stop of the touring exhibition of “altered Images by Christopher Makos” is just ended. In part  some photos of the fitting and Chris Makos with Fiona Cibani the Ports 1961 designer, and Paul Solberg.    [..]

Altered Images by Christopher Makos

Now showing It has been opened the 12th of September and it will be in public view until 25th, at Selfridges & Co, the exhibition “Altered Images by Christopher Makos”. The show is realized in collaboration with Ports 1961, a fashion brand, wich created a capsule collection inspired by some of the most interesting Makos shots. The capsule collection is on sale at the concept store. Christopher Makos (1948, Lowell – Massachusetts) [..] Read More

Garon by Yuval Avital

CONCERTO FOR THE SHOW’S CLOSURE A composition dedicated to Anish Kapoor. A large-scale sonic experiment, a concert designed to involve the public and performers in an architecture of meanings and structures: GARON (in Hebrew – “throat”) the brand new opera of Yuval Avital, an emerging talent of the international contemporary music scene, invited by Madeinart to dialogue with  the space of the  “Cathedral” of [..] Read More

Antonio Marras Waiting room

On Tuesday 17 and Wednesday 18 January 2012, Madeinart, in collaboration with NABA (Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti, Milan) organized a workshop on the theme of ART and FASHION. Waiting Room was the title of a workshop devised by Antonio Marras and coordinated by Paolo Bazzani, with the participation of Sonia Veroni and Francesca Fornasari. Antonio Marras and Paolo Bazzani invited the participants in the workshop to think about the creation of an installation [..] Read More

Patrick Wolf

Lupercalia concert The second of the three dates of Patrick Wolf’s Italian tour has been programmed for Friday 2 December in the Cattedrale area of the Fabbrica del Vapore in Milan, which is currently hosting Anish Kapoor’s site-specific installation Dirty Corner. Organized by the American art-production society MADEINART together with Uovo e Concerto, this acoustic concert with various and original musical instruments will underline [..] Read More

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