Roy Lichtestein Multiple Visions
ROY LICHTENSTEIN. MULTIPLE VISIONS, Mudec, Milano, 01/05/2019 – 08/09/2019
Roy Lichtenstein landed at the Museo delle Culture of Milano with “Roy Lichtenstein. Multiple Visions”, an exhibition curated by Gianni Mercurio and promoted by Comune di Milano-Cultura and 24 ORE Cultura-Gruppo 24 ORE, who also produced it, for an idea of MADEINART. The exhibition was on until September 2019.
Reflections on Crash, 1990 ©Estate of Roy Lichtenstein
His sophisticated art, recognisable with just a glance, has fascinated – since the Pop Art period – generations of creatives, from painters to advertisers, from photographers to designers.
On view, over 100 artworks including prints, sculptures, textiles and a wide selection of various editions from prestigious museums, institutions and private collections (the Roy Lichtenstein Foundation, the National Gallery of Art of Washington, the Walker Art Center of Minneapolis, the Fondation Carmignac and Ryobi Foundation, Gemini G.E.L. Collection).
The exhibition highlighted, through an overview on the themes and genres of Lichtenstein’s art, how the various elements of different cultures flow into his work of deconstruction and re-construction of the image. Lichtenstein has a very personal language, with which he narrates the history of the United States, including the Far West years, the artistic elements of the Native Americans, and the pop culture of his own time: a consequence of the global economy after the WWII.
The fascination for the “printed form”, alas the mechanical reproduction as an inspiration, is presented inverted: from an original idea to its multiple copies. A research that the artist followed during his entire career through print and handcraft, creating specific artworks and using innovative techniques and materials.
Reverie, 1965 ©Estate of Roy Lichtenstein
The exhibition follows a thematic path, highlighting the evolution of Lichtenstein’s work in regards to the mechanic reproduction of the artwork, but also explaining its many interpretations and formal representations.
“Roy Lichtenstein. Multiple Visions” is curated by Gianni Mercurio, who studies Lichtenstein for over twenty years. Mercurio has curated also the catalogue “Roy Lichtenstein. Meditations on Art”, Milano, Fondazione La Triennale, 2010, and “Kunst als Motiv”, Colonia, Museum Ludwig, 2011.